Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Of Choices & Chances...

Do we have the right and the freedom to choose? More importantly do we want the right and freedom to choose? And do we really need choices if we leave it all to chance?

If we have learned anything from history it must be that we cannot take 'freedom of choice' for granted. Not in the ways we choose to live or in general in any situation. We do have many choices but only under some form of governance. There are always rules.
Of course being able to choose and having choice is the ultimate freedom but on the other hand I can’t help but strongly feel that choice complicates, choice confuses, and choice even stresses me out!

I’m not saying choice is bad. I think life without any freedom to choose would just not be fair at all…

Someone once said that it’s choice--not chance--that determines our destiny. – but more often than not , I have come discover that Chance does play a part, like people you meet, random events, stuff like that. But hey then again ….every chance presents a choice... ... and then you can also increase your chances by making the right choices!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

In between are the doors of perception....

Sitting here typing up my first blog entry about my thoughts on "perceptions", I find myself going off on a tangent or well perhaps not completely.

I have a great job. I spend most of my waking hours doing work related to my job (well now and again sneaking in a few daydreams of owning a wind chime shop by the beach - don't ask! I just love the sound of wind chimes!).

So while I am attempting to write my blog post, all kinds of doubts begin to creep into my mind. I had my fingers on the keyboard, ready to type out whatever coherent thought that came to mind and there I was questioning myself on whether I am really happy doing what I do.

I'd like to think that the work I do and the job I have has some sort of greater purpose or meaning. After all I think it’s fair to expect that from something that takes so much of my time. I once heard someone say that life isn't fun or fair, it's rewarding and fulfilling. So I guess I am justified in seeking reward and fulfillment in my work. But in reality it’s not all that clear cut.

I get all the benefits of a top notch corporate job, I try to give back to my community (through Rotary) and I take time off whenever I can to travel and to satisfy my "wind chime shop” needs.

I think we all need work because of what it enables in the rest of our lives (like paying the bills, the shopping sprees or the trips to exotic places), and not only because work or simply because of the passion for the work satisfies or fulfills us. (Though I might be an exception as no amount of remuneration would ever support my lifestyle!) For most, I hear that the reality of a job you love is simply a myth. I wonder how we could have a life we love when we have a job we don't love.

I am clearly lucky enough to have a job I love, but the job isn't "all" of what I love in my life in general. My overall life is bigger than my job. And I’d hate to think I am defined only by the work I do. (Cause that would make me out to be soo boring - with all those numbers and analysis and what not.)

So, what's the bottom line? What can make us stop using the adage "Back to the ol' grind stone" on every Monday morning?

In this case - it’s all a matter of perception - if you want to do what you love and love what you do you have to either change your job or simply your perception of it – if I were you I'd think twice before I go change my job.